
December 1st’s Duck of the Day – Flamingduck

Day one’s Duck has been picked by my lovely flatmate.

Here is the Flamingo Duck sold by The Duck House in Brighton.

Don’t be confused by this Flamingduck’s confused expression, he will make a lovely stocking filler for any animal/bird lover. Although I have to admit he does look like he is judging you. We will rename you Judgey Flamingduck.

Flamingo’s were hot this year. Think stationary, pool floats, flip flops! Perfect little addition for any flamingo collector 🙂

Check out the Flamingo Duck here

December’s Ducks of the Day

I keep being told that I do not blog enough. Therefore I would like to introduce to you December’s Ducks of the Day. Each day will feature a different duck and trust me these make amazing stocking fillers :).

I was incredibly tempted by the 12 Ducks of Duckmas. But why stop at 12 when there’s 31 days in December? That really would be quackers.

The Duck House – Brighton

I keep getting messages asking from people wanting ducks from The Duck House in Brighton. Surprisingly it is my most read blog post!

Sadly I do not run The Duck House, I wish I did! But I do not think my long suffering flat mate could take any more Duck invasions! Petrol is more my industry!

However if you click here you can visit the shop and browse for yourself!

Trust me, if I had thought of this idea before the genius who actually does run The Duck House it would be mine!

Happy Shopping, Christmas will be here before you know it!



The Duck House – Brighton


I do apologise for how long I have neglected my blog for 😦 I know I promised this post to a few people so I’m sorry for the delay!

Me and the mother went on our annual trip to Brighton about 5 weeks ago now and I stumbled across the most amazing little shop in The Lanes. We were walking back from The Seven Stars (on an unrelated note – you should go here! They infuse their gin and vodka with all different flavours and oh my god it is amazing!) but we must have taken a wrong turning somewhere because we ended up walking past this:

So this is a shop. A Rubber Duck Shop! But sadly it was closed! Poor mother then had to listen to my raspberry and vanilla infused waffling about how urgently we had to return to this shop in the morning.

Look at all these ducks! I think I’m in the wrong job. This is where I should be working. There is a duck for every occasion! I particularly liked the wedding ducks which were available in “Mrs & Mrs”, “Mr & Mrs” and “Mr & Mr” which was a nice touch. I definitely spent far too much time in this shop but I’d never seen a rubber duck shop before! Eventually though I came out with the following:


Einstein Duck, Brighton Duck, Queens Guard (I think that’s what they are called correct me if I’m wrong) and SPYRO DUCK!! My poor long suffering flat mate lives with me and all these crazy creatures that seem to waddle their way into our flat but even she loved Spyro Duck! I was gifted the little death keyring duck from the nice man in the shop. I think he thought I was Quackers. He’d be correct.

So if you are ever in Brighton please go pay this charming little duck shop a visit! Trust me there will definitely be the right duck in there for you! They even have their own bags!


After the Duck shop we went to Choccy Woccy Doo Dah. Choccy Woccy Doo Dah is to Chocolate what the duck house is to Ducks. And look what I found!


Chocolate Duck! I would never eat it though so reluctantly had to put it back :(. I still have my chocolate wand from the Harry Potter Studio Tour which has now gone way past edible so chocolate novelties are a bit wasted on me. Big bag of Revels or peanut M&Ms though and I’m sold!

As if I had not encounted enough ducks today then I found even more on Brighton Pier! Managed to win these in the arcade:

We even had enough tickets left over to get mum a cuddly Donkey from Shrek 🙂

Apologies again for the delay for this post, and all of you who were submitting guesses for what Ducks I got in Brighton now have your answer!

And if you wanted to go to any of the places mentioned in this post I promise you will not be disappointed!


Day 24 -Rehoming Many Ducks

Been a very busy 3 days but I have finished unpacking! This includes the 2 boxes of ducks which were very difficult to place. In my old flat I had a lovely cabinet which became a lovely little home to the many ducks I have acquired throughout the years.

However there is no big cabinet in my new flat so I had to get a little bit creative with the duck placement. I actually only started with 1 duck which was a gift from America and then it just kind of grew from there. However they now have a new home.


I can’t believe how quickly the flat has become so homely. I finally made use of my kitchen the other night and cooked the first proper dinner since I moved in. I have never had a gas cooker before but turns out they are a lot easier to use than I first thought and I think I may even prefer it to the electric one! I was having to unplug the reed lights in the corner before I went to bed as they do not have a switch. However I came home yesterday to find that my parents had bought me a remote control and now all my lights are controlled by remote! I feel a little bit like Albus Dumbledore now. Now I’ve unpacked I can finally settle and enjoy living here. In fact I decided that the last 3 weeks had more than earnt a lovely glass of wine.

Only a few more things to find homes for and life can resume normally 🙂
The saddest part of the last few days was Bobby and Brunch finally being separated. After living together for the past 6 weeks they had struck up quite a lovely friendship as seen in this post here. At least Bobby can come visit as much as he likes.


Homeless: 250 Ducks

When I moved into my lovely little old flat 15 months ago we inherited a rather large built in display cabinet. Neither of us had much of value to put in it and so it was decided that the Ducks could move in. 

The Ducks were lovingly arranged into the cabinet by my flatmate Ellie, they have been a lovely central point to our living room ever since and earned our flat the title of “The Duck Residency”.

It has suddenly dawned on me that I do not have a big display cabinet in my new flat. Where will the Ducks live? 😦 

The Duck in the Room

I have a lot of Ducks. I had a friend of a friend visit last night, he came in and sat down in my living room which currently houses a rather impressive duck collection. As I have only met this guy once before I was doing the usual hostess things, offering Chai Tea, and apologizing for the current state of my flat.

About 8 minutes of being sat surrounded by these ducks he says “So… About the Ducks?”

So about the ducks. One Duck was bought for me around 8 Years ago. It was a Statue of Liberduck. Or Duck Number 1 as it is now known. I liked this duck, and then I saw Michael Quackson, Bad Mother Clucker advertised on eBay. Dad had the job of waiting up that night in order to bid on this duck with absolutely no insight into what a snowball effect it would create. Suddenly I was receiving ducks from everyone for every occasion and before I knew it they were everywhere.

As I told him of this story it was dawning on me that I was perhaps coming across a little bit strange. Not so much a crazy cat lady, here I am as a crazy duck lady.

“Have you ever thought of setting up some sort of Duck fan base?” he asked.

I told him that no that was not something I had considered doing, but I had just started blogging.

“Is it a blog about Ducks?”

Not as such, it was originally to blog about my experience of home buying, but that all happened a little bit too fast, and now I was blogging about everything and anything that springed into my mind.

“So it’s not a Duck fan base? What’s it called?”

A Little Bit Quackers….

Sorry Nikki, I did try to be normal but I think I will always be that slightly embarrassing friend…. #JustActNormal